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Entrance Rotunda, Health Sciences Centre

Location: 700 William Street, Winnipeg
Substantial Completion Date: 2011
Media/Materials: Concrete, stainless steel, laminated glass with images printed on the interlayer, tempered glass with ceramic ink image fused to glass.

My approach was to create a wayside sanctuary along the busy path of patients and visitors passing through the hospital. The project is located at the main entrance to the hospital.
Rotunda Gallery, Health Sciences CentreRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health SciencesRotunda Gallery, Health Sciences