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Individual Books

This is a good place to order one or two Ways To Walk books. If you'd like to get more than that, consider the collections of four, five and nine books at a reduced price.

All books are signed by the author.

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Bridge of Lights, 86 pages, CDN $39.74Long Walks To No Place In Particular, 94 pages, CDN $42.18Night Atlas, 52 pages, CDN $29.97Navigating Hope, 76 pages, CDN $36.63A Dérive To The Airport, 50 pages, CDN $24.52On Omand's Creek, 78 pages, CDN $37.74Ramen Rambles, 148 pages, CDN $57.71Walking Styxx, 72 pages, CDN $28.86Walking The Water, 84 pages, CDN $38.85